Interested in volunteering? Here are a few ways to help:
a) We are still looking for one more morning drop off volunteer (Friday 7:50-8:10 am). If you have any questions, reply to this email or to Irene Cervantes at
b) We are looking for people to help organize PTO events throughout the year. Please let us know if you would be interested in working with us to ensure the success of our upcoming programs.
c) And on that note, the current PTO team has been leading the PTO for 3+ years now and it is time for us to step aside (and, in one case, graduate from EES!) and find our replacements. Please consider stepping forward to be a PTO leader next year. If we can not find people to fill these roles, the function that the PTO plays at Edmunds will have to be greatly diminished. If you are considering it, but do not think you are qualified/have enough time/you are the “PTO type”/or whatever the thinking may be, please know that everyone has the same kind of concerns. It makes a huge difference in our community and you can do it!
For additional information, please contact:
PTO Leaders: Gretchen Platt, Kim Brockway, and Irene Cervantes
PTO email address is