TOMORROW NIGHT!!, Tuesday, November 7th The Edmunds Elementary Drama Program is excited to announce our annual Benefit Bake in conjunction with American Flatbread – a true Win-Win-Win fundraiser! For over 20 years, EES Drama has partnered with Very Merry Theatre to produce a theatrical performance that involves over 50 of our young actors, singers and stagehands. Fundraising is the primary means of covering our production, scholarships, costumes, scripts and so much more. Our production rehearsals begin in January with performances happening in March.
For each flatbread pizza that is ordered for take-out or dine-in on November 7th, EES Drama will receive a portion of the proceeds. This previously successful fundraiser is a wonderful way to support EES Drama, help a local restaurant that means so much to our community and answer the age-old question, “What’s for dinner?” We hope you will be able to join us in supporting our student actors!